Happy Wednesday morning fellow motorsports enthusiasts,
We're still looking for help with raffle/silent auction items as well as
support for the event. Thanks to Ed Runnion for offering a free SFR Solo entry
to add to the bounty as well as Don Lew stepping up to help run the raffle.
Last year we raised just under $2,000.00 for Children's cancer research and
while respectable other local and argueably smaller motorsports organizations
topped the number by more than five (5) times. Wondering about the kind of
prizes we could use to boost ticket sales take a look at what the Sacramento
Area Miata Club had to offer their participants in Got Guts at Thunderhill:
so, if you can carve out a week of time at your conco in Tahoe, that vintage
bottle of Bordaux or a game of your box seats at AT&T park, please contbibute
to the prize fund. Heck, if you're like most of us and spend most of your
disposable income on parts and all your spare time on your car just ask a
friend to help sponsor your habit with a donation to our charity event.
Hey, check out some of Marty Smith's work, he's offering a custom photo shoot:
L. Barry Chafin
Team COOPER - fight Neuroblastoma
----- Original Message ----
From: Barry Chafin <info@4d-sport.com>
To: Bay Area Autocross <ba-autox@autox.team.net>
Cc: Solo2 Steering Committee <solo2sc@sfrscca.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 8:48:53 AM
Subject: Seeking help for 2nd Annual Father's Day Charity Event
SFR SCCA Solo - June 17, 2007 - Marina Municipal Airport
Chaired by Members of
Team COOPER Lead, Barry Chafin
All the features of a Marina Championship
autocross event with an emphasis on increasing awareness and funding in the
fight of childhood cancer. SFR SCCA Solo Guest Policy has been amended for
this event allowing, in addition to the first 10 guest, Father(Grandfather),
Son , Daughter or Wife teams to enter (assuming one is a member) anytime up
until registration closes at noon.
A day of fun filled cone dodging will be
complemented with:
- Raffle
- Concession
- Buck-a-Cone donations
addition to support for the event we're looking for help with publicity and
from sponsors who could offer goods and services that members of the autocross
community would be interested in. All the sponsors we've spoken with from
last year's event have stepped up again so look for even more booty in 2007.
Hoping to improve on the first event in 2006:
As always,
thanks to the hardworking men and women who make each and every event work
over the entire series.
Please contact me if you can help: info@4d-sport.com
L. Barry Chafin
Team COOPER - fight Neuroblastoma