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Regarding Trophy Pictures

Subject: Regarding Trophy Pictures
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 00:55:04 EST
Okay, let me re-iterate how I'm doing the trophy pictures...  I'm  using Jim 
Williams' pictures as the first choice if Jim has pictures of your  car.  I 
want to keep my use of alternate sources to a minimum.  I've  been doing this 
for a few years, and Jim's pictures blow up to trophy size the  best, are 
the best(as in not having the rear bumpers cut off when cropped  to the right 
size), have the best backgrounds (as in no porta potties), essence  of speed 
(not taken at 1/100 of a second where the background and wheels are  stopped 
and the car looks like it's sitting still on a parking lot), color,  etc.  It 
takes a lot of my time to do this, and it's a lot easier if I can  deal with 
one source.  If Jim has no pics of your car, THEN I'm open  to other sources.
In giving you the option of picking your own picture from Jim's selection,  
I'm trying to make my job easier, not harder, and giving you the option of  
picking your own picture at the same time.  
If this turns out to be more of a hassle, we'll go back to the old way, or  
someone else can take over the job of trophy chief...

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