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Re: Workers needed! Round 6 this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Subject: Re: Workers needed! Round 6 this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
From: Steve Kupper <>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:50:37 -0800
Ladies and Gentleman. We need 7 to 10 people to help us in the morning 
setting up the course and rest of the equipment. Right now we only have 
one volunteer. We need a few more to be able to start the event on time.

steve wrote:
> Sorry I've been "off the air" and may have missed an announcement, but it 
>bears repeating.  Please contact me or Steve Kupper regarding being an early 
>arriver / getting your work shift done first thing for this Sunday's event at 
>the Coliseum in Oakland!
> Please plan to arrive by 7 for your work shift, and help us have an event 
>that starts on time and runs smoothly.
> Paul Tibbals, co-Chair

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 

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