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Re: Round 5 Results are posted

Subject: Re: Round 5 Results are posted
From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 02:37:51 +0000
Thanks, Mike,

It's nice when it all works! Just a warning, though -- sometimes it's not
going to click, and results may still be a few days later. But this will be
the exception rather than the rule. Big item is Pat Kelly getting the system
results to me so quickly. It might be a good idea to get someone to back Pat
up so we can get them out to me early every time (and maybe offload Pat some

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2006 08:25 PM
Subject: Re: Round 5 Results are posted

Anyone remember earlier this year, when we weren't even done running at
Candlestick in a series event at this time of night, because of the "cursed
new computer system"?

Now, thanks to the persistence and hard work of a dedicated bunch, we have
event results before dinner, same day!

I guess all questions as to whether this system was a good idea have been well
answered. I, for one, have even learned how to do a couple of the jobs
(registration, "card sorter"...yeah, I'm the guy who was working so hard
scanning the cars when they came up in the sixth group lol) and now can't
imagine not having this very cool system.

Thanks again to all, this is cool. Thanks Pat and Jerry for such quick
turnaround on today's numbers.


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