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RE: Fwd: AirAlert - Spare the Air Sunday July 23

Subject: RE: Fwd: AirAlert - Spare the Air Sunday July 23
From: Katie Kelly <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:29:32 -0700 (PDT)
It is true that bike racers, and likely all athletes,
produce more CO2 than normal people. Good point, Carl.
It is no wonder to me that Los Angeles is known as one
of the most smoggy cities in the nation. Everybody's
exercising all the time.

Look at China and its polution situation. All those
people, riding bicycles. 

There are also more dangerous long term effects of
exercise that I never considered before. Physically
fit people tend to (but this is not always the case)
live longer and they become even more efficient. What
does that mean? That means even more sustained heavy
breathing for longer periods of time.

Physically fit people are running our world INTO THE


--- Carl Merritt <> wrote:
> With every one of those breaths of yours you are
> emitting CO2, the most
> prevalent green-house gas and directly causing
> global warming.  It was so
> crazy hot this weekend, haven't you done enough
> damage?  If not for your
> self, then think of the children, and all the cute
> puppies of the world...

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