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Targa Tasmania Mazda6 MPS beats all production WRXs and Evos

To: <>
Subject: Targa Tasmania Mazda6 MPS beats all production WRXs and Evos
From: "Paul Stubbs" <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 07:27:32 -0700
This was an internal Mazda Australia email about the new Mazda6 MPS. The
actual car mentioned is "rumoured" to have about 250hp.

Dear Mazda staff

Having just completed the Targa Tasmania I want you to know what an
incredible car the Mazda6 MPS is. The near standard car finished 1st in
class and 39th outright from of over 200 entries. The driver Dean Evans
Deputy Editor of Motor magazine was having his first drive in the event and
what an amazing and professional job he did.

During the event the only mechanical problems encountered were the gearbox
filler plug vibrated loose and causing some panic until we discovered where
the oil was coming from. The plug was replaced quickly, losing no time on a
transport section.

Another heart stopping moment happened when the front right hand tyre
deflated on the start line of the longest section in the rally on the final
day. Quick thinking and the help from another competitor with an emergency
flat tyre repair kit had the car underway again without missing the start

The major problem during the event was a miscalculation on fuel consumption
and the car ran out of fuel.  We lost a whopping 7 minutes while leading all
production car classes by almost 3 minutes. The car got underway again in
the section by repeatedly starting the motor up a hill until finally
reaching the top where it could virtually coast the last 5 kilometres to the
finish line of that leg and receive crew assistance.

The body copped some damage when Dean lost control and went backwards into a
bank on the second last leg of the event in horrific condition of rain fog
and sleet. He still managed fastest production car time through the leg.

The Team fought back on the last day and only finished short of the
impossible result by 1 minute 47 seconds.
We still beat all production WRXs all production Mitsubishi Evos and all
Porche 911s.

Targa is an asphalt rally covering all areas of Tasmania with 44 competitive
sections over 6 days.

Mazda had 1 driver 1 navigator 6 pit crew 1 PR and 1 journalist from Motor
magazine in the team.

The race car was previously from the press fleet and had already had a
fairly torrid life with journalists.

This was the first known competitive event for the Mazda6 MPS in the world.

Elf 102 octane fuel was used and Dunlop rally tyres fitted.

There were many classes and divisions in the event. Most were either very
improved performance cars or production cars.

The Mazda ran in production car class.

Under the production car rules the only changes allowed were race front
seats and race seat belts, a roll cage, rally tyres, race steering wheel,
race brake pads and modified suspension.

We were only allowed 4 tyres for the event or you could add 2 minutes to
your time for use of each of two additional tyres permitted. We only used
the original 4.

The car performed better against the field in wet conditions.

The attached photo shows you how tough life can be at Targa. The car flies
high over a rail line and the white marker post is now missing according to
the photographer.

A thank you to all the staff of Mazda who assisted in the many pre race jobs
and also to the dedication of the pit crew who worked incredible hours to
achieve this remarkable result.

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