Hello autocrossers,
All the drivers yesterday enjoyed a beautiful day at Monster Park! The course
was pleasantly long, with a good mix of fast and slow sections and everyone
appeared to have enjoyed all the different elements. Joe Weinstein and Jake
Hodges performed the event chair duties and Joe was responsible for the course.
Thank you both for all your efforts. Pay no attention to Jake's 'retired'
status in his email this morning. I remember his saying something to that
effect last year : -- ).
A slow start, due in part to an insufficient number of setup volunteers and
combined with a few more growing pains with the new computer system, made for a
long day. Those volunteers who stayed to take down the course and pack up
deserve every body's thanks. Maybe it is time for the steering committee to
look at new ways to expedite the events, including giving Robin more assistance
with the computer system? Anyone can make suggestions by the way. Post your
ideas here or send an email to a steering committee member to pass on your
suggestion at the upcoming meeting.
The next event will be in Marina on April 2nd. Navid Kahangi and Viet Tam Luu
will be chairing the event. Please volunteer when they ask for setup workers.
If you arrive early and have some free time, please ask the chairs if they
would like more help.
Warm weather and clear skies are predicted!