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RE: [solo2sc] Back to 8 Run Groups, and what it means for

Subject: RE: [solo2sc] Back to 8 Run Groups, and what it means for
From: Katie Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 07:11:03 -0800 (PST)
I'm trying to understand how, all of a sudden, you
need 230+ people to make 8 run groups work. It worked
in 1992 and for 25 other years. What changed? What
evidence do you have shows that having seven radios on
a course is safer than say three. Or none. Radios are
a there for convenience and efficiency. It's hard
screaming across the asphalt.

If this is really about safety, it could be argued
that there are too many radios on course. They could
be a distraction. You could reduce that number,
freeing up the hands of course workers. This would
require that the radio workers and others pay more
attention, but this would also increase safety.


--- Navid Kahangi <> wrote:

> I understand safety was not part of the original,
> but it is part of this
> one.  Safety is not something we should argue for. 
> It should be the most
> important factor into making any decision.  If three
> is safer than two, then
> three it is.  As john mentioned, at one point you
> are going to have too
> many, but IMHO three per station is not too many.

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