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[Flickr] Mark Mervich has invited you to join!

Subject: [Flickr] Mark Mervich has invited you to join!
From: "Mark Mervich (via Flickr)" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 15:55:24 +0000 (UTC)
Hi Autocross,

Mark Mervich would like to share some photos with you! 

Here are a couple of shots of the Motor home work(plus a
few others from my collection).  I want to share my photos
with you on a cool site called Flickr. This site will
access to photos from around the world too!

Signing up for Flickr is free, and takes less than a
minute. Just click here:

See you there!

Mark Mervich

p.s. If you are not interested, just ignore this email. We
won't bug you again and there's nothing special you have to

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  • [Flickr] Mark Mervich has invited you to join!, Mark Mervich (via Flickr) <=