Hello autocrossers,
First timers Gordon White and Brenda Barnes chaired the last event of the
year. The weather cooperated and the turnout was the largest of the series.
Thank you for running a smooth event. Gordon was also responsible for the very
fast and multi-slalomed course.
Well, that wraps it up for the year. I personally would like to thank all the
SFR club members who volunteered to chair our events. I enjoyed my first year
at this job and my second year at this Motorsport we all enjoy. Also, I would
like to thank all the volunteers in all the different positions that require
them. From the setup workers to the various chiefs, there is an amazingly large
number of club members who make all of this happen. A big thank you to all of
Remember that the NorPac convention is on January 6-8 in Reno, the awards
banquet is on January 14, and the first event of next year is Boondloggle, on
February 5th in Oakland. As always, clear skies and warm weather are predicted.
Happy Holidays,