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Community vs. e-community, or just simple communication

To: "Pat Kelly" <>
Subject: Community vs. e-community, or just simple communication
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 00:33:30 -0700
Will mass mailings improve the sense of community?  Depends on what we want
to do.  My professional society has a officer's tool that allows them to
generate e-mails to all members in the local chapter who have given their
OK.  Mostly technical types, but maybe half pre-date common use of
computers - last I looked, that group only had e-mail addresses for 55-60%
of those members, and dozens changed every quarter.  For SFR, if we can read
their member number, we could start a mailing tool if SCCA doesn't have it.
But coverage not guaranteed.

Now there are (at least) two different forums that serve the local group,
plus various SCCA and national forums, plus marque clubs - if SFR is going
to use one they'll have to commit and place the official stamp on it.  I
personally think that the Web page does a darn good job of getting the
information out there.  If they look around the page they'll find the simple
directions to getting onto this list.  But maybe we put some printed
"how-to" cards at Reg or this Beginner's Table if it happens, just so a few
more people get clued in?  Want to be non-geek friendly too.

re: scribble - Someone in the trailer once was incredulous that Pete was
putting his card information on a mailing label (a large one!) and pasting
it onto his card rather than writing it out every time.  I thought it was a
heck of a good idea, having tried to read the chicken scratch of others'
cards as announcer!

Off topic - how long until each car has a bar code that is read at the
start/finish lights?  Next, the computer text messages your cell phone with
your time?  Aaaaaaaaaaa......boggled.              Paul T.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
> Yes a lot of folks scribble (operative word) their email addresses. I only
> enter those I can read. It is an item that changes frequently. Not
> does list their email address, and I know of several who do not use the
> internet at all. Believe it or not. :)
> The solution, which we are looking at is where everyone keys in their own
> information...somehow. Haven't gotten to that part yet. :)
> --Pat K
> ----------
> >From: "Carl Merritt" <>
> > The reg cards already have an email address line, just add one more
> > checkbox for "Subscribe me to the Bay Area AutoX email list".
> > -Carl

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  • Community vs. e-community, or just simple communication, PAUL TIBBALS <=