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RE: Low turn-out?

To: "Escano, Arnold [SC]\(ES\)" <>
Subject: RE: Low turn-out?
From: Rex Tener <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:45:24 -0700
At 10:52 AM 10/11/2005 -0700, Escano, Arnold [SC]\(ES\) wrote:
>We forget other factors such as:
>1. in between jobs
>2. car in the works
>3. change of address
>4. change in status
>5. saving $$$ for a purchase
>6. significant other resistance
>7. income change
>8. business slow
>  and the list goes on....

I have five of the eight items on this list.  Do I win something?  :-)  All 
right, back to I go.

Rex Tener

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