In answer to those asking about the subject site, I scouted it for my marque
club event in 2004. After some investigation, I learned the following would
be required.
1) Pay the City $1500 for a permit.
2) Then pay the NAS reconstruction authority (can't remember name right now)
~$1500 for a permit.
3) Agree to have your event at their site, under their rules. As I recall,
their rules had some (for modern auto-x, absurd) requirement about a maximum
speed of like 45 MPH.
4) Oh, this is all without even considering that your organization must
supply its own insurance. A common quote for a one-time event (one weekend
would be the same cost as one day) is $2500. Not a problem for SFR.
5) Per Matt R., they had a limit of 100. Not sure if that was vehicles or
drivers. Obviously the authority cut a special deal with the Volvo, GM, and
Mazda groups which had more like 1000 participants each day (?!).
I was told that PCA was having events there under those rules. I cannot
imagine PCA members being satisfied if that speed limit was actually being
enforced. Nor SFR members.
If you have multiple events, the site costs listed above are somewhat
amortized - I know the City permit was good for a year, can't remember about
the other. I assume there must have been a per-event charge. In my
situation, it was totally prohibitive for a single day event. What a site
though! Amazing view on a clear day - I subsequently went to Volvo's and
Mazda's ride-n-drives there.
The other possible site that wasn't out of range that SFR is not using, is
the Alameda County Sheriff's Emergency Vehicle Operations Center, in Dublin.
I never got over there to look at it, as they pretty much eliminated
themselves by being unable to commit beyond their fiscal year closing which
was June. I needed to have a commitment for later in the summer. I have
been told that it's nice pavement but not a really large area. I hear that
PCA and some other clubs have rented it on occasion.
This information was based on assistance given to me by others in SFR as
"leads", for which I give thanks again!
Paul T.