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Great opportunity for practice event, lots of seat time!

Subject: Great opportunity for practice event, lots of seat time!
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 00:18:30 EDT
This Saturday, October 8th, at Marina, the Sunbeam Tiger club is going to  be 
putting on an autocross. Other invited clubs include NorCal Shelby and Golden 
 Gate Lotus. 
These are fun events, featuring SCCA type courses and timing, with the  
emphasis placed on seat time. All entrants will receive, at minimum,  10 runs, 
the very strong possibility of  additional fun runs...we tend to keep running 
until either daylight, tires or  interest runs out!
Anyhow, I'm able to offer 10 slots in this event to my SCCA Solo II  friends. 
First emails back to me will be guaranteed entry, and I may be able to  take 
the number as high as 15. Not only are these great test and tune  
opportunities, you also may be able to help out some less experienced  
autocrossers...which sometimes leads to very interesting drives ;-)
The entry cost is a little higher than we're used to, $40, but what the  
heck, its still cheap seat time (it would cost close to $100 in entry fees 
to get this many runs!) Again, the site is Marina, this Saturday October 8th.  
First car out is scheduled for 9:00AM. Please reply directly to me...oh, one  
other thing, we NEED your support!!
Mike Wood
#7 SS Corvette Z06

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  • Great opportunity for practice event, lots of seat time!, MWood24020 <=