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AP for 2006

Subject: AP for 2006
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 23:45:26 GMT
The August Fastrack states that the SEB is recommending the proposed "new" AP 
rules to the Board with the weights most recently published. 1200 + 200/liter 
for RWD, 1200 + 150/liter for FWD, and 1200 + 250/liter for AWD.

They are also recommending the Lotus Elise, Elan, Europa, and Super* 7's (up to 
1490cc) be moved to the new DP but referring the weight formula back to the PAC 
for further study. 

So the black Elan may move from AP to DP and the green Elan may move from DM to 
AP. I may actually go to Nationals in a year or two if the SEB continues with 
this sanity. 

* 7 & 7A go to GP.

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