"Stacey" <svwilbur@sbcglobal.net> writes:
> What is the class run order for round 6?
> The webpage just shows "2005 Championship Series Results" not the run order
>or start times.
> http://www.sfrscca.org/solo2/Results/2005/Championship/round6_info.html
This round 6 run group info is not posted yet, but will look like
Round 4 with every heat but the last moved one heat later, and the
last (8th) moving to first.
Eg DSP was in 4th heat in round 4, will be 5th heat in round 6.
Usually round 6 run groups would be round 5's groups moved one later,
but round 5 is an exceptional this year.
David W. Crawford <dc@omor.com>