-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by "Rick Brown"
"Reminds me of the line attributed to Bill Cosby that I ran across around
time I served on the SEB:
"I don't know the secret to success, but the secret to failure is trying to
please everybody".
------------------- End Original Message --------------------
That line has been fed to me as a reason for adding 200-300 pounds to our
car by the SEB and the PAC. It doesn't please us but it pleases the people
we have to run against. <G>
The net result is we decline to be cannon fodder at Topeka any further and
will only run locally. And along the way I will remind the "proper
authorities" how much in entry fees the SEC/PAC move is costing the club
financially. Naturally they won't care.
--John Kelly
--John Kelly