Big thanks to Matthew Rehrer if this goes through.
Perhaps we can attack the problem itself. The problem
seems to be that ST varies too much in size to
intelligently place it in a rungroup. I understand
that to be a logistical problem, but would we blow up
ST2 if it posed the same problem in the region? I
think we'd find a way to make it work. Both are
non-national classes that were created due to regional
interest or trends.
I think that, contrary to belief, there are people who
were looking forward to genuinely competing in Street
Tire this year. "Casual" or "pick-up" attendees will
pad run groups no matter what; there's a POSSIBILITY
that this new system will help, but we have no way of
knowing for sure.
What about two Street Tire rungroups? AAS has "Stock
1" and "Stock 2". What about making all ST
competitors run with their normal classes and then
compiling the results later? Neither is perfect, but
this is just a few minutes of thinking. I am
sympathetic to the problem, but I would like to see a
less controversial solution.
I should confess that I'm extra bitter having just
bought and installed a new set of Azenis YESTERDAY.
It's like a Woody Allen movie!
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?