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RE: Need help getting tires to Marina

To: "Thana, Peter {HTS~Palo Alto}" <peter.thana@ROCHE.COM>,
Subject: RE: Need help getting tires to Marina
From: "Thana, Peter {HTS~Palo Alto}" <peter.thana@ROCHE.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 13:52:10 -0700
Hi Folks,

I think I'm all set now.  Thanks to everyone who replied.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thana, Peter
{HTS~Palo Alto}
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 11:29 AM
Subject: Need help getting tires to Marina

Hi folks,

I need to go to Marina next Sunday to take care of some unfinished
business:)  But I was hoping to make it a weekend down in the Monterey
area and would like to avoid driving the whole weekend on my crappy,
bald race tires.  Unfortunately instead of doing the smart thing and
buying one of those big, AWD turbo sedans that run in my class, I bought
this tiny little 2 seater that holds me, my girlfriend, and a pair of
sunglasses (which my gf has to hold).  If there is any kind soul who is
driving a big truck down there or drives one of those big, 4 door AWD
turbo sedans that run in my class, I would be externally greatful for
any help getting them there and back.

I am in Palo Alto, can deliver them any time this week.  In return I
will sign up for a pyramid scheme and get you a free iPod!  No, j/k... I
am offering beer.  A whole lot of beer.  Any kind of beer you want.


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