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Tour and Pro volunteers

To: "bay area autox" <>
Subject: Tour and Pro volunteers
From: "Kirk Meline" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:02:56 -0700
At the steering committee meeting it was decided that we could get a
security gaurd for Friday on both the Tour and Pro.  So that is covered.
Here are the new days and times I am working on coverage.  I basically would
like to get someone to cover for just an hour in each of these time slots.
If we could get two people thats even better.  Please let me know if you are
someone else is available and what hour they can fill.  I can be reached at
cell #408-425-0057 or reply back before Friday.

Saturday 6:30am to 9am
Sunday 6:30am to 8am

Saturday 6:30am to 9am
Sunday 6:30am to 8am

Thank you

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