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FW: Marina Event

To: "Bay Area Autocross" <>
Subject: FW: Marina Event
From: "Bryan Nemy" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 21:34:43 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Dolan [] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 9:30 PM
To: Bryan Nemy
Subject: Marina Event


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To all,

Cathy and I would like to thank everyone that participated in Sunday's
Marina autocross event. We sincerely hope all participants enjoyed the day's

We could not have begun to attempt such a feat without the help of so many
people, especially Bryan Nemy, who seems to always be there when help is
needed. In fact, Bryan and I designed the course together. Tony Tobacco and
Charlie Davis assisted in tuning the course on paper which was later
smoothed on concrete by Chris and Pila Cox.

We began the course setup on Saturday afternoon with Chris & Pila, Bryan,
Don Ebaugh, and Tony, who came up to help and then drove home that evening.
On Sunday morning, more workers arrived and by 8:30 everything was ready to

It became overwhelmingly apparent to us that the present SF Region club
structure is one well tuned machine. Like magic, registration and tech
people just appear and get their operations set up. The equipment is removed
from the motor home and before you know it, music is coming out of the loud
speakers (Irish music this time). Cathy and I had not seen this before in
our long 5 month experience in autocrossing. If we can do it, anyone can! We
made it quite clear that we required the advice of experienced workers and
not one let us down. With each run group, a new crew was dispatched to the
field and to the motor home. No one complained; everyone did their job well.
It should also be mentioned that Marina Motorsports made the area available
as promised and easily fulfilled their obligations.

All drivers should at least once take the time to quietly peak into the
motor home when the announcer and  timing staff perform their duties. It is
poetry in motion, especially when the announcer tosses a 'sympathetic
comment' to a friend at the finish, who had 'time of day' in the bag and
then knocked a cone down 'after' the timing lights. Nothing is more pleasing
then to announce the addition of Fun Runs. It is everyone's last chance to
wear down that last bit of rubber in hopes of shaving down a few tenths of a

The high points of the day included knowing the answer to a question posed
by someone kind enough to ask us a question. For me, it was when I asked
John Kelly in the motor home to make an announcement over the loudspeaker.
He executed the request with calm professionalism and then added that what
he had said came from the 'leader'. It was an experience like having the
pope tell you that the next time he speaks to you, it will be in heaven!

Thanks for reading,

Tim & Cathy Dolan
Marina Chairs

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