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Re: SFR and its Solo II program

Subject: Re: SFR and its Solo II program
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: 29 Nov 2003 03:57:11 -0000
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 19:05:16 -0500 John Kelly <> wrote:
> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
> Message text written by "Richard Urschel"
> "It would also be a good thing for anyone wanting to express their views to
> do so at a meeting. The Committee Members are not elected representatives."
> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
I also said it would be a good thing to read the documentation available, in 
this case, the Policy Statement as approved by the voting membership at large.

> One of our rules is that in order to vote
> you must have competed in nine of our events in the previous year.

"The San Francisco Region Solo II voting membership is limited to ... those who 
have been eligible for a trophy (on the basis of attendance) during at least 
one of the past two year's Championship series; and/or members in good standing 
of the Steering Committee."

>>         But we do have some people who do not meet the requirements of
> being ACTIVE participants in Solo II making motions, seconding same, and
> voting  on issues.

"The Steering Committee membership shall be made up from the active Solo II 
community (as defined in item 3) or others appointed by the Chairperson and 
approved by the Solo II Steering Committee."

The only defined criteria to remain active on the Steering Committee is that 
"the member must have attended a minimum of 50% of the previous 12 meetings." 

> It is my hope by bringing this to everyone's attention
> that the problem will resolve itself before we bring 
> their names to everyone's attention.

Ah, the heck with the rules. Just give their names to Bruno.

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