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Re:Entry fee increase

Subject: Re:Entry fee increase
From: "Richard Urschel" <>
Date: 26 Nov 2003 07:05:21 -0000
It would be a good thing to read the September 23, 2003 Steering Committee 
meeting minutes published in the November, 2003 issue of The Wheel. Read the 
Site Fee Increases and Site Fund Proposal paragraphs. 

It would also be a good thing for anyone wanting to express their views to do 
so at a meeting. The Committee Members are not elected representatives.

I attended the SFR comittee meetings for a year and a half. It is the only way 
to thoroughly know what is being discussed, and why things are being done the 
way they are.

I spent last Saturday evening with the Sacramento Board who revised some 
proposed supplemental regulations at my suggestion. If you want to be heard, 
speak up at a meeting. Grumble about the gummit if you want, but participate 
directly in all of the areas of your sport that interest you. The SCCA is a 
non-profit volunteer club that depends on you.


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