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Non-Autocross Content: Cisco GOD wanted

To: "Autox List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Non-Autocross Content: Cisco GOD wanted
From: "MrPepsi (Brent Johnson)" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 14:16:35 -0700
My company is looking for a Cisco God for a permanent position with a
cash-flow positive IPO. 
I would prefer to help out someone without a job but will consider others.
I need someone that REALLY knows Cisco routers and switches and knows some
Windows as well. 
E-mail to ONLY!
Do NOT e-mail to the autocross forum, they would really hate me for that
If you are someone or know of someone put them in contact with me.

[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef]

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