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RE: Sunday's turnout

To: "Paul S \(#51 STS\)" <>,
Subject: RE: Sunday's turnout
From: "Chris Warner" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:30:58 -0700
I would pass on the fun runs if we could use the extra sunlight to allow 4
runs each.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Paul S (#51 STS)
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:44 AM
To: John F. Kelly Jr.;; Bryan Nemy; Chris Cox;
Thana, Peter {HTS~Palo Alto};
Subject: Re: Sunday's turnout

Does that mean we can find a way to keep the site
later than 5:30 or whatever it is now?  Seems like a
shame to have to pack up such a nice location when
there are still several hours of daylight (and tires)
to burn.

Just a thought, not flaming, but wishing for fun runs
on Sunday's in the summer.


>         But the site is actually less expensive than
> Marina, Candlestick,
> or Castle.
> Smoother, too.
>         Only GGF costs less.
> --John Kelly

2000 Civic Si
#51 STS

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