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Crows Landing etc.

To: "BayArea Team.Net" <>
Subject: Crows Landing etc.
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:23:18 -0400
        In the midst of the recent uproar, I think it's appropriate for
all of us to recall the Bottom Line reason we--San Francisco Region Solo
II--didn't stage our part of a proposed event at Crows Landing in
Stanislaus County last October/November. Or was it the year before? It
all seems so long ago.
---     The National Aeronautic and Space Administration, locally
___headquartered at Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in Mountain View,
___declined to accept our SCCA insurance policy. 

        NASA took over Crows Landing from the U.S. Navy several years
before. Crows Landing is now the official property of Stanislaus County but
won't accept it until the Navy
cleans up spilled fuel, etc. NASA is still in charge.
        I was the guy who arranged for SFR's Solo II insurance with SCCA
National along with scheduling duties. However, I was NOT the contact
person for the proposed event.
        NASA wanted a second policy to cover "sublimation." This legal
term was new to me. In simplest terms, it means if our club policy paid
off on an accident at Crows Landing, NASA wanted insurance coverage in
case our carrier sued them for having an unsafe premises.  Stanislaus
County, as I recall, was okay with SCCA's policy.
        After a conversation with Pete Lyons, insurance VP at SCCA HQ,
then in Centennial, CO, he told me the existing policy covered the
potential situation and SCCA declined to issue a second policy because,
in his opinion, it was already covered. That left SFR Solo II out of that

--John Kelly 

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