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Katie Kelly is not normal!!!

Subject: Katie Kelly is not normal!!!
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 17:18:32 -0700 (PDT)
(Warning... there's no autocross content in here so,
if you're cranky today go away!)

Katie Kelly is not normal. This girl is definitely a
sandwhich short of a picnic! Of course, I imagine this
really doesn't constitute news for most of you. You
see, a bike race is supposed to be HARD and PAINFUL!
You're not supposed to be SMILING >>>DURING<<< a bike
race. I took about 150 pictures today and MOST of them
have one thing in common, the competitors don't look
nearly as happy as Katie...

Notice the expression on the face of the poor sap
behind Katie:

And here she is crossing the finish line after
climbing a hill and racing 35 miles...

Good job Katie, I'm reasonably sure you were having

Cheers, Joe

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