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Re: marina, was Re: What a great course! And still another day

To: "James Creasy" <>, <>
Subject: Re: marina, was Re: What a great course! And still another day
From: Jake Hodges <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 09:35:24 -0700
Fair enough.. The start was pretty deep even in the third run group.  It 
was exciting getting my little car off the line with 138hp...

Got a tire question too.. The paddock was all gravel, so by the time I made 
it back to my jack, my tires were encrusted with the stuff.  I brushed it 
out, but the surface of my poor tires looks terrible.. Will they spring 
back, or did I really lose more tire on my way back from the course to the 
pits than I did during my runs?


At 09:31 AM 4/20/2003 -0700, James Creasy wrote:
>great, mentally challenging course.  i woke up this morning realizing one
>place i had interpreted all wrong!!
>however "no gravel"???? by the 8th run group i could not launch at all at
>the start.. tires covered with gravel, 1/10 throttle and they would spin.
>then front tires covered with gravel... noooo traction in the front until
>the 3rd turn.  saturday means FAR less traffic too.
>tito solis in the cobra.  who taught him that hand position?  must be some
>toyota thing :)
>ps you can see some other pics here (taken by my friend)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jake Hodges" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:56 AM
>Subject: What a great course! And still another day off!
> > I'd like to thank our chairs and all the dedicated folks that made it out
> > there early enough to get that fantastic course put together.  I don't
> > about you guys, but I had FUN!  All the sections of the course flowed
> > together really nicely, there were no panicky Chicago box things, no
> > gravel, but most of all there were a ton of places to hang yourself by
> > burning time driving some crazy wide line without hitting cones.  I wish I
> > could have stayed for fun runs...
> >
> > Why don't we have more Saturday events?  It's really a treat to spend the
> > whole day autocrossing, and then still have a whole day left over before
> > heading back to the salt mines.  My student at the autocross school never
> > got to attend our events because taking his family to church took
> >
> > Jake

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