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Re: Help me start a new career... EXOTIC car needed!!!

To: "Joe Ciarcia" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Help me start a new career... EXOTIC car needed!!!
From: "James Creasy" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 21:37:46 -0800
> A Porsche, Lotus, Viper, or vintage
> Corvette of some flavor would do as well. If your car
> isn't red or yellow well... 

bah, you dont think cobras are exotic enough?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Ciarcia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 9:05 PM
Subject: Help me start a new career... EXOTIC car needed!!!

> The software industry is picking up at about the same
> rate as a snail on valium. As such I've decided that
> now is probably a good a time as any to test drive a
> new career (something that's always been on my "when I
> grow up I want to be a" list (of course I still have
> to grow up but that's a different issue)).
> I'm building a portfolio and seeing as I like cars I
> figured I ought to have one in my portfolio.
> Unfortunately Subarus don't have that much of a wow
> factor and (here's the big shocker) THEY'RE UGLY!!! If
> any of you out there have, or happen to know someone
> who has a spiffy lookin' vehicle I'm offering a "trade
> for prints" deal. You drive your car to a location of
> my choice (it will mostly likely be somewhere along
> highway 1 or at a few spots I know on Alpine road). In
> exchange I'll give you some stunning photos of your
> car. The duration of the shoot will probably be around
> 2 hours.
> More details on the car. My first choice would be
> something that rhymes with "Atari" and is bright red
> or yellow. A Porsche, Lotus, Viper, or vintage
> Corvette of some flavor would do as well. If your car
> isn't red or yellow well... I can always change that
> in Photoshop.
> Cheers, Joe
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