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Re: In today's mail

Subject: Re: In today's mail
From: Ms Katie Kelly <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 10:44:15 -0800 (PST)
No kidding. The competitors can't have ANY racing
experience! What kind of doors are they opening,
besides the doors of disaster?!

I can't think of ANY other racing series out there
that would cater to drivers with NO racing experience.
And then televize it! 

They drive on the wrong side of the street in the UK,
too. It's just their wacky way of doing things. At
least they created some good pop music for awhile. 


--- Jake Hodges <> wrote:
> This is a riot..  It's clearly an MTV-style "Real
> World" show.  What a 
> joke.  It reeks of the Rally Racer scam.
> Jake

Katie Kelly

Guilt slows your metabolism.

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