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Re: Sociology-Lady Cobra Driver

Subject: Re: Sociology-Lady Cobra Driver
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 17:50:12 EST (Larry Stark)

                Katie's comment got me laughing. Very few current Solo II 
drivers ever heard of Mary Rice. If you know who she is welcome to the old 
timers club. Mary was your normal average woman as related to her physical 
abilities, no biceps ripping through her blouse if you get what I mean. Mary 
could drive and do it well in any car. I know she won a slew of National 
Championships in a variety of cars. I had the opportunity to see her win the 
AP Ladies National Championship driving Jerry, "Father" Reilly's original, 
like in real, Cobra. In talking with Mary she told me she had to work out all 
summer to build her upper body strength to drive that car. She said without 
power steering it took Hercules to guide that Cobra through the cones. I 
have a picture of her with a grimace on her face going through the slalom. In 
my mind, Mary is up there with the best of them, men or women. You could also 
throw Rita Wilsey into that pool along with Katie but then she could swim out 
of it. I could go on but I've learned any guy who thinks he is a better 
driver than a woman just because he is a guy has never shared the track with 
a woman who was really good. 

> I can tell you from first hand experience that an
> argument used against women in racing is that they
> lack the strength and stamina. I find this laughable
> based on two examples

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