-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by "Jerry Mouton"
Maybe there's more to Solo2 than a
cheap stepping stone to SCCA
racing, as that's kind of what the old categories
Or not!"
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There's a lot to Solo 2 but a cheap stepping stone to racing isn't one of
In the beginning there were Stock, Prepared (based on road racing
Production becasue that already existed in SCCA) and Modified. Stock
existed too but it was Solo that allowed "free" shocks primarily because
many of us in the era didn't think we needed to see Stockers tipping over
in supermarket parking lots, as was happpening on race tracks.
Locally we had the NorCal Council which offered more classes and
something called Prodified.
Being an SCCA member offers the opprtunity to go racing. It's all a
matter of how big is your pocketbook.
--John Kelly