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Re: Round 5 results are posted

To: Jerry Mouton <>,
Subject: Re: Round 5 results are posted
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:51:58 -0800
There were quite a few DNWs...that means your name wasn't checked off, or it
wasn't written on the signup sheets at all. If you did work and tell me
where you signed up (which group, which job), I'll check it out again and we
can fix it, but only with good proof.
DNW means Did Not Work. That means those who DNW figured they didn't have
to, because there were so many people entered and they could get away with
it. This is a shared sport: you work while I run, I'll work while you run.
Hard workers are appreciated, Arnold Escano, Don Ebaugh and Natalie and Tony
(who didn't run!) Tabacco come quickly to mind as folks who put in more than
their share. Take a page from their books.
--Pat Kelly

>From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
>To: "Bay_Area_Autocross_List" <>
>Subject: Round 5 results are posted
>Date: Mon, Nov 25, 2002, 10:17 PM

> Maybe one or two little changes to make, but -- Thanks, Pat!
> Jerry Mouton                              "Laissez les bons temps rouler!"

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