-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
Message text written by "Pat Kelly"
> Crows Landing News!!
> I talked to the County today and they said they had a meeting with the
> and NASA yesterday and that title should pass to the County by March 1 at
> latest.
> We should be able to use the site as much as we want after that."
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
Good news,
Over the past two years I had been calling them on a quarterly
basis and was always told "Try us again in 90 days."
Then we heard Jan. 1 was the date for a changeover. So that's just 60 days
after Jan. 1.(or a little over 90 days from now. <G>)
As you well know Congress has already given the land to Stanislaus County
but the county won't accept it until some things/soil are cleaned up.
--John Kelly