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Re: question about SM2 rules

To: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>, <>,
Subject: Re: question about SM2 rules
From: "James Creasy" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 09:28:26 -0800
> Uh, no. It doesn't follow.
> OSP is not really a Street Prepared class despite its name.

ok, thanks for the clarification.  i field a lot of questions from cobra
owners (im the nor-cal FFROG contact) about what class they can drive in,
and OSP is not satisfying for them for some reason.  i guess they dont want
to get whupped by some 70's econo boxes.  still wish i had a better answer
than AP which pretty much excludes street-driven cars due to the tire issue.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
> Message text written by "james creasy"
> "so if the San Francisco Regions adopts the SM2 class as an optional
> regional
> class and OSP is also an SF regional class, then it follows that my car is
> legal for SM2 because our region has expanded the Street Prepared Category
> to include my car.
> "
> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
> Uh, no. It doesn't follow.
> OSP is not really a Street Prepared class despite its name.
> --John Kelly

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