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Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here

Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 08:23:18 -0700
There are no solo 2 candidates, not one of us has tried that in a long time.
However, three of the Board candidates, David Allen, Dave Harriman, and
Peter Nosler have demonstrated an interest in solo 2, plus the Regional
Executive candidate, RJ Gordy, has attended many of the Solo Steering
committee meetings.
If we were to put up some Board candidates, it should be more than one. :)
Maybe next year?
--Pat Kelly

>Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
>Date: Fri, Oct 25, 2002, 12:00 AM

> Recently at SFR autox's, someone was recommended as the best solo2 voice.  I
> don't remember who that was.  But I think that if we are serious about
> electing the right person for us, we need to ALL agree on who it is so that
> our votes don't get scattered among a few good men.  That will get us
> nowhere.  So... remind me, who is our prime candidate?  Let's all get on the
> same boat!
> Dan
> 101 HS

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