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Re: ghetto cross weighting?

Subject: Re: ghetto cross weighting?
From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 04:01:33 +0200
>ive seen some designs using bathroom scales, levers and greased steel
>sheets.  my corner weights were so far off this last weekend at first i was
>lifting a front tire 8 inches off the ground (with video to prove it) and
>smoking the inside tire on every right hand turn.  (no wonder the two
>diagonal tires wore out so quick and why my car doesnt turn right)
>i was wondering if anyone here uses an inexpensive method.
>getting the weights done at a shop isnt going to work for me as i change
>stuff too often.

I'm wondering aloud how hard it might be to come up with an electrical 
strain gauge that could be installed more or less permanently and would 
simply read the corner weights...


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