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Re: What's drawing new members?

To: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Subject: Re: What's drawing new members?
From: Glenn Ellingson <>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 10:29:38 -0700
On Saturday, August 10, 2002, at 09:58 AM, John F. Kelly Jr. wrote:
> Well, as a matter of fact it does "hurt."
> Somebody has to run the show to keep, it going. That will be the young
> people coming up. From their ranks will come the future leaders, the doers
> that make events happen. If everybody spends six months playing the game
> and disappears, there is no future.

If *everybody* disappears we have got a problem. But we average well over 
200 entrants per event, don't we? We're hardly in danger of having nobody 
to help run events. We're not short of young people with both experience 
and committment, either.

I'm not sure your definition of "young", but I think the vast majority of 
the dedicated SFR autocrossers I have met could qualify. I'd hate to 
offend by mistakenly listing (or worse, not listing!) someone so I won't 
be naming names :-).

And as another data point, the SFR does not seem to be "older," nor does 
it seem to have fewer dedicated (addicted?) young autocrossers than the 
region I was part of previously (central florida).

Of course, that region "struggled along" with only 25 to 50 entrants per 

I'm all for welcoming and encouraging newcomers in the hope they want to 
stick around, but I don't think we should resent those who eperience 
autocross and decide it's not for them (or it's too expensive, or it 
conflicts with their church services, or whatever).

-- Glenn

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