Which brings up a new sore point. AT&T Broadband is at it again.
LeMans may be the last big Speed Channel happening in our house for
awhile. Today's mail contained a notice from ATTBI that the rates are
going up and the coverage is changing. For a mere $3 extra per month on
the "Digital Gold" package you get a few new channels you probably
couldn't give a fig about, plus having to pay an extra $5 per month for
the second digital receiver that is now included in the package. To get
Speed Channel, throw in another $5 per month for their new "Premier
Tier" which includes another bunch of channels you probably don't want.
(of course this is softened somewhat by a special rate of $1 per month
each for the first year) Is it time to learn to live with a weird
appendage to the roof and switch to Direct TV?
On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 09:52 AM, BOYLE,CRAIG (HP-Cupertino,ex2)
> Speed Channel (no longer Speedvision) has extensive, but not longer 24
> hour,
> coverage.
> Craig
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael R. Clements [mailto:mrclem@telocity.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 8:45 AM
> To: Autocross
> Subject: LeMans
> Anybody know what TV channels are covering LeMans this year?
> Speedvision? Also any bars in the peninsula area that have this channel?
> Yes I am one of those television-challenged individuals.
> Thanks,
> Michael R. Clements
> There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who
> don't.