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Advice on getting car from SF to LA...

To: <>
Subject: Advice on getting car from SF to LA...
From: "Talley, Brooks" <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 11:32:11 -0700
For those that missed the last episode, a rod in my LS1 motor seems to
have broken and punched its way through the soft aluminum block,
resulting in hydrolocking and all sorts of internal damage.  Boom! 

Anyways, the new motor (bigger, stronger, etc) is just about done.
Thing is, the shop that built it and is going to install it is in
Reseda, CA (San Fernando Valley).  I'm starting to look at options for
getting the car down there.

Option 1 is the dreaded rent-U-Haul-and-trailer approach; that's how I
got the thing back from thunderhill.  However, that sounds like a very
long and not-fun proposition, especially going over the grapevine.

I'm liking pretty much any option other than that.

Does anyone have any advice and/or experience with any towing companies
or car shipping companies?  Or know a better rental option than u-haul?


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