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Re: duel at DeAnza

Subject: Re: duel at DeAnza
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 08:20:23 -0700 (PDT)
This year is the 34th annual event. It is a fund
raiser for the college autoshop program and is very
successful as such. The program sponsors contribute
much more than the entry fees do.
Registration begins at 7AM. Peggy is in charge again.
If folks will pass the waiver board down the line
again the whole registration process will go much
quicker. I wish we had a similar solution to the giant
tech line deal, they too will not try tech-on-grid.
You will not need a SCCA card.
There are no run groups, you line up as you clear tech
after the reg line. The college kids do all of the
cone shagging so there are no work assignments. Some
of us volunteer to help but it is not required nor
expected of the entrants.
$15 single/ $25 couple [must pass Peggy's definition
of a couple, this is not very liberal].
The event is limited to 275 because the lot must be
cleared by 5PM [not just through running, but cleared]
and that's all that fit in the time window. No social
engineering by the car folks despite the conspiracy
theorists' statements. 8-) 
First car at 9AM. The event routinely turns away 50 or
so folks in line, and that line does start early, but
I seriously doubt at 2AM. Bummer getting turned away
nonetheless. Sometimes a car will fail tech and a card
will be available for resale. Cracked windshields and
broken lug studs are the reasons I recall for this
happening. The windshield thing is unique to DeAnza.
Sound is a big issue, the neighborhood is barely
tolerant of us. No gocarts. No trucks.
Trophies for each class awarded at the end of the day.
You must be there all day to receive a trophy. 
Classes are largely SCCA, NASA/X is more exact if you
know the differences.
DeAnza is on Stevens Creek Blvd. in Cupertino, at the
intersection of I-280 and hwy 85.
The lot is small and greasy asphalt. A good lap is
under 33 seconds. No second runs! The crowd is huge
and festive. Applause and Television crews are common.
It is much different than most autocrosses you may
have experienced. No one complains about "speed creep"
at DeAnza. 8-) Some folks have difficulty with the
differences, others enjoy the experience. Oh, and the
course tries to be the same each year, graybeards
delight in seeking the variations. Another variation
from what has evolved into "normal" autocrossing
around here.

Dennis Hale
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

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