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RE: Scales at national events

To: <>
Subject: RE: Scales at national events
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 16:04:57 -0700
But wait, I have to disagree with Josh's PS. I think in this case, there had to 
be something like a 60 pound variance (I'm going by memory, and I don't know 
the exact specifics). I know when my folks added the weight, they believed they 
were well over the limit, and when they were weighed, it was only one pound. 

Belief and fact are two different things, this is true. However, we're talking 
about cars that have been run consistently in the same configurations for 
YEARS, although it is entirely possible, though not plausable, that everyone 
there tried to purposely lighten their cars. This we do not know.

Still, given the quantity of cars (it's not just one FF, 9 pounds under here), 
and the amount of pounds their cars were off, it just looks suspicious, not 
from a conspiracy angle, but that of maintenance perhaps? Where do you draw the 
line? How much extra ballast should a competitor have on hand to make up for 
scale inaccuracies? 200 pounds? 

Katie K.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Sirota []
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 3:39 PM
To: Kelly, Katie;; Dennis Hale
Subject: Scales at national events

PS: Back on topic, Katie is right, of course.  There's no conspiracy,
everyone plays by the same bogus scale rules, and Frank (and John and Pat,
and me, and everyone else who runs in or who has ever run in a "weight
class") should have known how to make sure he'd be fine when he got to
impound (which really means, he should have weighed first on those scales on
that day, *and* had a larger safety margin to account for the likelihood
that the scales might have a large variance when he goes back during

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