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Another Atwater ProSolo reminder...

To: "Ba-Autox@Autox.Team.Net" <>
Subject: Another Atwater ProSolo reminder...
From: "Corey Smith" <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 07:54:32 -0700
Time is running out, folks!  We need a few more workers for the Challenge
rounds of the ProSolo, which occur this Sunday afternoon.  We need about 30
people, whether you're competing in the rest of the ProSolo or not.
Remember, you get a free entry to a future SFR regional autox event, and
free lunch!

We're pretty much set for the other special work positions, although we
could use another Worker Sign-In Chief.  If you are attending the Pro, and
would volunteer for this job, please let us know!

We are up to 173 entries now.  That's pretty good for a Pro, but we could
handle a few more!


Corey Smith -- co-chair
Sharon Levy -- co-chair

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