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Re: Cheap race car paint job tips!

To: Joe Ciarcia <>,
Subject: Re: Cheap race car paint job tips!
From: James Creasy <>
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 22:20:05 -0700
oh crap, I FORGOT the BEER!


ps there's no mystery- its carl's old 240z ITS car.  now ALL ONE COLOR
(smurf blue, apparently :P)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Ciarcia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: Cheap race car paint job tips!

> <hehe> This sounds like one of those "how to paint a
> car" jokes where the first few items are supposed to
> be:
> 1. Buy a case of beer*
> 2. Drink first beer while formulating a "plan"
> 3. Wash the car (not with your beer, use water, soap
> if you so desire).
> 4. Let the car air dry to avoid an repetitive stress
> injuries. While watching water evaporate have another
> beer.
> .....
> n1. Watch paint dry, while watching paint dry drink
> more beer.
> :-)
> Anyhow, I remember reading the "painting on a budget"
> thread but I don't recall you revealing the identity
> of this mystery car. Sorry if you covered this already
> but I'm curious, what is this mysterious SmurfMobile
> you're painting?
> Cheers, Joe
> *moral disclaimer - don't drink and drive. Also, stop
> drinking when the quantity of paint that gets on you
> exceeds the amount of paint that gets on the car.
> --- James Creasy <> wrote:
> > remember when i was asking about cheap paint jobs?
> > well i went to Orchard
> > Supply this morning with a little piece of paint i
> > peeled off my car and
> > found a good match.
> >
> > a little sanding and priming and although my car is
> > still several different
> > colors, at least they are all shades of blue.
> >
> > here's what i learned:
> >
> > 1. any surface can be prepared by wiping with a
> > towel.
> >
> > 2. try to remember to remove your miscellaneous
> > tools from the hood before
> > painting it- leaves unsightly marks!
> >
> > 3. a piece of cardboard held in your other hand is a
> > much faster way to do
> > masking and prevent spray onto your glass and
> > chrome.
> >
> > 4. for that professional look, tilt the can away
> > from your tires when
> > painting the wheel wheels. (one of my tires is a
> > little blue now)
> >
> > 5. pick a color similar to what most of your car is
> > already. (mine was red
> > and blue so i flipped a coin for blue).
> >
> > 6. take a before picture, and, when taking the after
> > picture, be sure to
> > snap it before the paint dries- looks shinier!
> >
> > 7. carry a can of the same color- touching up the
> > car this way is much
> > easier than washing it!
> >
> > -james
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