Art Segar was also an autocrosser but he only autocrossed in PCA. He was
one of my autocross instructors along with Teresa Neidel's dad when I
started autocrossing in PCA back in the 80's. wrote:
> At the risk of invoking the censor gods on this list I
> would like to debate Sean O'Boy's statement wrgt new
> sites and who/how they are gotten.
> The simple fact is every one is gotten by different
> folks, and the story behind each of them is unique. I
> don't think anyone has ever gotten one in a normal
> business fashion. The business proposal of renting a
> $5M lot for $500 and putting it in some jeapordy is a
> really tough sell...
> Historic "revisionist" aspect;
> Oakland Coliseum was gotten by Derek Israel, a
> roadracer who was on the maintenance staff at the
> place.
> Candlestick was gotten by John Kelly as far as I know,
> he can corresct this if necessary.
> GGF has been gotten twice. The first time by Art
> Munchuryan, a roadracer who at the time was pretending
> to autocross, but in HS so.... The second time by a
> guy in the Lotus club [I don't recall his name right
> now] who just wanted to stage a charity fundraiser. He
> never autocrossed. That event was a school.
> Marina was gotten by Sherry Grantz, but she was
> approached by a Street Rod club that was using it as a
> swapmeet site.
> Crows Landing was gotten by Art Segar, a roadracer. He
> worked with Peggy to put it together.
> The Livermore Streetrace was a deal done by Dave
> Vodden when the SCCA office moved to Livermore. He has
> never autocrossed AFAIK.
> Every site has required extensive effort to "finish
> the deal" and lots of folks have been involved there.
> As Naseum.
> The points are, anyone can get a new site deal, new
> folks historically have been the ones to do it, and
> autocrossers ought to be more active in the search and
> not be so reliant upon others! Or at least not be
> defiant of those folks that have helped.
> Let the games begin...
> =====
> Dennis Hale
> Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
Kenneth Allan Mitchell