Wait much longer and you may have to pay a late fee! Don't miss this
opportunity! This is the first time in a very long while that SFR has hosted a
National Tour, and the more enthusiastic SFR members that show up and have a
good time, the more likely it is we'll have another one next year.
What you get out of attending the Atwater Tour includes (but is not limited
-A close look at what the National Championships is like, with only a couple
hour drive instead of 2 days
-The format is the same as Nationals and you'll see competitors from all over
the West (and even some psychos from out East)
-TWO days of competition added together. Screw up the first day and you have a
chance to come back the next.
-Make friends in your class from other regions, trade setup knowledge.
-If you don't make friends, steal their setup secrets anyway!
-A world class dinner served up by Jesus Villareal on Saturday.
-A kick ass course design by Chris Cox. See how the master does it.
How well this event comes off will reflect on our Region. Don't be intimidated
by the word "National". Come out, have a good time, and crush those other
region "big names".
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