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Re: Round 5 Big Thank You list

To: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM>,
Subject: Re: Round 5 Big Thank You list
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 20:10:21 -0700
Thanks Peter and all others!

The course was a really great example of all types of challenge. Helps to
have a wide open, good-traction lot. Love it.

>From: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Round 5 Big Thank You list
>Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2002, 12:09 PM

>Hi Folks,
>Chairing Round 5 ended up being way too easy, because there are just too
>many nice people in this club!
>First off, big thanks to my super co-chairs, who were both first time chairs
>but did everything like seasoned veterans!  Thanks Erin and Steve for doing
>so much work and being absolutely on the ball to keep the event moving!
>There were so many others who just kept volunteering and volunteering until
>we were all packed up and gone.  Thanks to Sean O'Boyle for designing and
>setting up an awesome course and for working non-stop from Saturday at noon
>until Sunday evening.  Jim Ochi also worked non-stop both days.  Thanks to
>Boris Elpiner and Katie Kelly for pitching in with course lining on
>Saturday, and to Vernon and Mark Watson for putting up with our "Chaos
>Theory" school of course design.
>I'm not done yet!  Brock Rasmussen, Jack Daniels, Alan Perucho and Noel
>Esporo were literally *everywhere* offering to do everything!  Grid, safety
>steward, extra work shifts, setup, tear down.  Durk Edwards and Don Ebaugh
>had the motorhome setup before I even opened the door!  And of course our
>stellar morning setup crew including all the above plus Ean Houts, Joe
>Ciarcia, Tom Grote and many others I'm sure I've forgotten.  We really could
>not have done it without you guys.
>Well, I'm really tired and more than a bit sore now, but it was a very fun
>weekend and I'm still quite excited that so many people pitched in to make
>it that way.  It's good to know that our club is in good hands!

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