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Re: Which side to start the grid

To: Rich Urschel <>
Subject: Re: Which side to start the grid
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 06:28:11 -0700
Personally, I though that Rich ran a perfect grid on both days this
weekend at the Sac Chapter event. I was a driver in the group Rich
worked. He even showed a new person how to run grid and he did an
excellent job showing him how to do it. The multiple driver cars were
mixed in real well both days.

I always knew when my row was up and he always had 2-3 cars at the line.

Rich Urschel wrote:
> wrote:
> > I assume this was AAS.  I think competitors in that series have to
> > accept that it doesn't have the same rules structure as SCCA.  That's
> > the way Larry wanted it, though there are more rules now than at the
> > time of his death...
> Nope, SCCA. Last week the exact same thing
> occurred at AAS.
> The first time I ever ran grid was at an AAS event several
> years ago. I was yelled at by one driver for doing it wrong
> (not an AAS admin person), complimented by four others
> for actually getting every single car through in order and
> on time, asked to do it again for the next group by several
> people in that group, and got a  free entry from Jesus for
> pulling double duty.
> As Kevin pointed out, no one has documented anything
> except the inverted grid for the first run group (and of
> course numbered grids for serious SCCA events). Let's
> keep in mind here that all I asked for was some other
> points of view. Thanks for yours, and I've answered your
> question privately.
> Rich Urschel
> Ps. I've been running grid "wrong" without complaint ever since.

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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