How do we define "having auto-x'd for 3 years"? Does it imply a number of
events over the last 3 years, or if you simply made (say, 15? events since
January 2000), would you qualify?
On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Durk Edwards wrote:
> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:43:56 -0800 (PST)
> From: Durk Edwards <>
> To:
> Subject: TECH STUFF
> TECH UPDATE: First of all THANKS to all those who helped with the tech duties
>Sunday!!! Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all. Couple of findings
>were; cards not COMPLETED, lose or improper air intakes, no numbers or class
>designations on cars, and some lose items in the vehicles. All in all, big
>improvements! One BIG problem however was some people parked their cars in
>TECH! The cars were all open, but caused a real back-up for everyone else who
>wanted to get through. Also, there were QUESTIONS that needed to be answered
>about a couple of those cars.
> Now, as mentioned in the A.M. drivers meeting, we need PEOPLE to tech the
>cars. I'm lookig for at least 6 people that can work tech on a regular basis.
>We will offer the Annual Tech at the next event and I need people to help out.
>Annual tech is not mandatory. It will be available for those who have auto-x'd
>for the past 3 years. If you haven't or are a rookie/novice, you must complete
>12 regular tech inspections to be eligible. A "log" is available to you at the
>registration desk. It's placed in the back of your rule book and will be used
>as the record of events. After you have succesfully passed the annual tech,
>you will receive a sticker, which is placed on the veh. The annual tech is
>good for the year. You will have the opportunity to have your veh tec'd,
>again, the following year, etc. We will have "spot" checks as we feel
>necessary and it is up to the competitor to assure the safety and compliance
>of their vehicle at all times. Annual techs will start at 1pm. They WI!
> take a little longer, simply because we will look a little closer at things.
>Please refer to your rule book for an outline of what is expected. For those
>of you who are interested in helping out, please e-mail me. I'd like to get
>together and review procedures. Please feel free to ask questions, suggest or
>comment anytime. I'll be sending more info and updates as time goes on. THANKS!
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