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RE: Stepping over the hill

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Subject: RE: Stepping over the hill
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 01:26:25 +0000

That is FUNNY!!! you being 24!  LOL

I am happy am not an old fart yet or am I? Let see my 
first Autocross was at Duel at Deanza in 88'. So this 
year will be 14 years. Phew.. I am 32 so I have till I 
am 36 ;-( And I will never never put and old farts 
sticker on my rides. I hope you feel good about being 
known as old?? Man if you are old then what is Don?? ;-)


> Speaking of, I finally, officially reached Old Fartz status last October. Vic 
> Sias has technically not reached this level, although Shauna Marinus might 
> Oh yes, actually, she has. Oooh, that's kinda funny. I am sure she would 
> appreciate knowing this. Could someone pass this along? 
> I whined to Bob Tunnell about people autocrossing far less than I ever did 
> displaying their Old Fartz stickers, and he changed the rule, allowing anyone 
> be an Old Fart if he or she has been autocrossing for at least half of his or 
> her life. I guess he felt that I would fall into that category, as I've been 
> involved with autocrossing my whole life. But that would give even Jake 
> the right to call himself an Old Fart. He may be many things, but Old Fart he 
> ain't. But still, technically, I still wasn't an Old Fart, really. But now I 
> And it stinks. I miss the old days, when we played in dirt, and we LOVED it!
> Anyway, for the record, I started autocrossing when I was twelve.
> Katie Kelly
> Old Fart

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